Sunday, December 29, 2019
Essay on The American Civil War - 759 Words
Character Analysis The Civil War determined what kind of nation the United States would become. It determined whether it would be a nation with equal rights for everyone or the biggest country that still abused of slaves. The war started because of the brutal conditions slaves were living in. Many had no education what so ever and were treated worse than animals. Back then part of this country found this acceptable and demanded to keep their slaves while the others demanded freedom. Today there are many movies about the civil war. For example the movie Glory which was made in December 15, 1989 it was directed by Edward Zwick. The movie depicts the lives of African American soldiers who had to endure tougher training than the American man,†¦show more content†¦He just told Thomas that so he would be angry at Shaw while he was the same person it’s just that he was to treat everyone in the regiment the same because no one deserved special treatment especially not an old friend. Towards the end of the movie he learns to love Shaw and Thomas even though he had tried to destroy their friendship by getting things into Thomas’ head. In another scene Trip escapes the camp and everyone thinks that he leaves because he doesn’t want to fight but it turns out that he’s actually the most determined fighter and was only looking for a pair of shoes because his feet and the other soldiers feet where badly hurt. Later Trip gets punished for simply trying to fight with proper shoes. In the beginning of the movie he wouldn’t have endured the whipping and he would have escaped successfully. Trip after being the meanest falls in love with his regiment and is willing to endure anything for it. Major Cabot Forbes undergoes a change from a racist and irresponsible man to a man that defends the colored men of the regiment. A scene that really shows us his change is the one where Trip got beaten by Shaw’s orders and Forbes demands and defies Shaw so he wou ldn’t continue with the whipping. Forbes at the beginning of the movie would have never defended an African American man. He thought even being in charge of them would be silly and extremely complicated becauseShow MoreRelatedAmerican War And The American Civil War1551 Words  | 7 Pageswhich then caused the Southern states of America to decide to leave the American Union and create their own Southern Confederacy. This tore our nation apart. The American Civil War had begun and the very people that were once neighbors had each other’s blood on their hands. Many American lives had been lost. The American lives lost in the Civil War even exceeded the number of American lives lost during World War I and World War II. We were divided. The North wanted to reunite with the southern statesRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War1376 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Civil War was arguably the most important war in the history of the country. The War of Independence may have allowed American to become its’ own country, but the Civil War resulted in something even more important than that, the end of slavery in the southern states. All of the issues that caused the Civil war were based around slavery, such as states’ rights that involved how slavery would be handled in each state, and trying to preserve the Union since the south seceded from the northRead MoreThe American Civil War1296 Words  | 6 Pages The American Civil War, also known as the State’s War, was a conflict that arose mostly from the issue of slavery, but deep down was due to economic differences between the North and the South. The South seceded from the North and created their own self-government due to their belief in the lack of state’s rights versus the federal government and what they saw as a weakness in the Articles of Confederation. While the Confederacy of the United States depended on slave labor for their economy in regardsRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War1618 Words  | 7 Pages A Civil War is a battle between the same citizens in a country. The American Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the independence for the Confederacy or the survival of the Union. By the time Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1861, in the mist of 34 states, the constant disagreement caused seven Southern slave states to their independence from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, generally known as the South, grew to include elevenRead MoreThe American Civil War1418 Words  | 6 PagesGuns fired, smoke lingering in the air, people dying. The American Civil War had a huge impact on the United States. Two compromises took place before the start of the Civil War. These compromises include the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850. The Missouri Compromise dealt with the crisis in 1819 over Missouri entering the Union as a slave state. The compromise was à ¢â‚¬Å"the first major crisis over slavery, and it shattered a tacit agreement between the two regions that had been in placeRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War1324 Words  | 6 PagesThere were many events that led to the cause of one of America’s most devastating war, the American Civil War. The American Civil War was an unfortunate war that cost more than the lives of six hundred thousand people. Events such as the Missouri Compromise, Kansas Nebraska Act, Dred Scott Decision, and the Election of Abraham Lincoln resulted in the four yearlong battles between the Northern and Southern states due to social and economic differences on the idea of slavery. In the 19th century,Read MoreThe War Of The American Civil War Essay1472 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Civil War lasted from April 12, 1861 to May 9, 1865. It was the bloodiest war in American history, killing approximately 620,000 soldiers in total. The War was fought and won by the North, ensuring that all the United States would stay united and slavery would be illegal in The United States. However, history is one of the most complicated things in the world. It’s also one of the most important things in the world because history is what made the present possible. Historians have debatedRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War960 Words  | 4 Pagesslavery even if it meant war caused peace in this nation. Slavery was the vital cause of the American Civil War. The north and the south both had their differences on how to run the country. People in the North believed in unity and that slavery should not exist because â€Å"all men are created equally.†On the o ther hand, the South believed in continuing slavery. People tried to talk it out and come to a middle ground after both sides compromising, however that didn’t work and caused war. Ideological differencesRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War856 Words  | 4 PagesSlavery may have been established as the catalyst of the American Civil War, but the beginning of the dispute began in the time of the Revolution with a weak decentralized government under the Articles of Confederation. Later gained momentum as territorial expansion set Americans against each other on debating whether the new states should be slave states or free states, it questioned the power of the Federal government regarding state rights, and brought about instability in the unity of the UnitedRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War1439 Words  | 6 PagesWhen the American Civil War began in the spring of 1861, those flocking to enlistment stations in states both north and south chiefly defined the ir cause as one of preservation. From Maine to Minnesota, young men joined up to preserve the Union. From Virginia to Texas, their future foes on the battlefield enlisted to preserve a social order, a social order at its core built on the institution of slavery and racial superiority . Secession had not been framed by prominent Southerners like Robert Toombs
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Lending Money For A Home - 1151 Words
Before 2007 borrowing money for a home used to be extremely easy because loans were very easy to obtain from banks regardless of debt. Housing prices continued to increase because money was quickly accessible from banks. Too much money was too readily available. Every part of this financial lending fiasco culminated to a jarring decline from 2007-2008. At that time America suffered a financial crisis that some economists parallel to the Great Depression. Banks were unable to loan, the Stock Market crashed, and many Americans lost their jobs. At that point there was nothing left to do except recover. During this downward spiral many Americans lost their homes due to foreclosure or bankruptcy stemming from an inability to pay their mortgage. I really believe that people don’t know what they have until it is gone, and for many people they lost heavily in 2007. The lack of regulation allowed people to take excessive risks with high yield without thinking much for the consequences. An opportunity has presented itself to those opportunistic buyers who can look at the silver lining in any situation. That opportunity comes in the form of buying foreclosed homes. A popular trend is to become a boomerang buyer and to save for the financing on a new home after losing a home due to a short sale, foreclosure, or bankruptcy (Leopard, Hal 2015). Previously home owners were required by the government to hold off seven years after a short sale or foreclosure on a home but there areShow MoreRelatedThe Great Recession Of 20081388 Words  | 6 Pagescrisis in American history, behind the Great Depression. The Recession of 2008 was caused by two major faults: the use of subprime lending and changes in banking culture leaning towards self interest within the banking industry. There is no doubt that subprime lending was a major cause of the Recession. It was a tactic used by investment banks in order to get more money from unsuspecting homeowners. However, lenders found out that most of the people who were qualified to have a mortgage already hadRead MoreThe 2008 Housing Crisis: A Brief Overview of Causes Essay examples1653 Words  | 7 Pages( 2014). When the bubble bursts, the result is a quick decline in home prices ( 2014). In the U.S., a housing bubble began to emerge just after the turn of the 21st century. In these years, the economy was in great shape, interest rates were low, and consumers were ready to buy, which drove up real estate prices very quickly (Trehan 2007). Houses were viewed as an excellent investment by home buyers and lenders alike. However, the bubble eventually burst, and housingRead MoreThe Problem Of The Foreclosure Crisis1663 Words  | 7 Pagesinevitable foreclosure. Current lending practices make it difficult for potential borrowers with tarnished credit histories (like foreclosure) to qualify for a loan. 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Ruzich and A. J. Grant, authors of â€Å"Predatory Lending and the Devouring of the American Dream,†argue that the downfall of the American dream has occurred because of predatory lending acts. According to the authors, predatory lending and inequality play a very significant role in the corruption of the American dream. Predatory lending has caused many conflicts in the American society. Victims who fall for predatory lending are usually low income homeowners or those having financialRead MorePayday Lending Is A Convenient, Instant, And Short Term Option Essay1647 Words  | 7 Pagesor herself in some sort of financial misfortune. In such instances, payday lending can be a convenient, instant, and short-term option one may want to consider. The speed, ease, and convenience associated with payday lending enables an individual to get out of trouble quick, which has resulted in payday lending consistently growing in popularity over the last couple of decades. 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Credit crunch was one of the ‘cruel’ outcomes from the 2007 subprime crisis in the United States, when most of subprime borrowers defaulted and many commercial and investment banks in the United States have gone bankrupted as they failed to receive the loan from the borrowers. This led to the the credit crunch due to the limi ted amount of money that banks are willing to take on loan and the freeze in money marketRead MoreThe Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis of 2008900 Words  | 4 PagesDepression. It was the actions of individuals and companies that caused this crisis. For although it could have been adverted, too much money was being made by too many people in place of authority to think deeply on the situation. As such, by the time actions were taken to attempt to rectify the situation, it was already too late. Trillions of dollar of tax payers’ money was spent trying to repair the situation that was caused by the breakdown of ethics and accountability in the private sector. And despiteRead MoreEssay On Regulating American Banks1033 Words  | 5 Pagesideally points that excessive regulation has affected the lending by financial institutions, thereby constraining the American economic growth. It is pinpointed that the lending has risen by only 25 percent since the 2007-08 financial crisis. This figure as noted is actually far less when compared to other recent recoveries. Additionally, over this period America has experienced a sluggish Gross Domestic Product growth. The red tape has choked lending, particularly essential mortgages in which a decade
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Communication Needs Of Health Professionals -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Communication Needs Of Health Professionals? Answer: Introduction: Organizations are the very foundation of the industrial growth of any nation. And every organization regardless of the domain it belongs to, function on the foundation of harmony. This harmony comes from the collaborative co-operation from the external and internal stakeholders associated with the organization. However, it has to be mentioned that organizations can be of various different types, it can be commercial and it can be public service oriented. Although, in both of the cases, with collaboration among the different stakeholders, the productive success cannot be attained by the organizations. Health care can be considered an organizational domain where the cooperation and collaborative expertise from professionals belonging to multidisciplinary domains are united to provide assistance and care to the sick and ailing (Barbour et al., 2011). Now it has to be mentioned that in organizational scenario, regardless of it being commercial or public services, the equilibrium of collaboration and cooperation can be disrupted by any external factors, and one significant type is conflict. And in case of a healthcare organization, the interpersonal conflict can lead to severe consequences for the patients. That is where the concept of managerial or organization leadership comes to save the day (Brinkert, 2010). It has to be understood that organizational leaders of managers serve the purpose of ensuring smooth performance and steady productivity, and in order to do so, conflict resolution is a very important step to be performed. The importance of conflict resolution is optimal in health care scenario, and there is need for the right strategies and competencies to be able to successfully overcome the conflict and restore harmony (Brown et al., 2011). This assignment will attempt to explore and evaluate the conflict resolution stra tegies and competencies required from organizational leaders in the health care scenario taking the help of a case study. Case description: It has been mentioned that conflict is an inevitable part of everyday life. It has to be understood that no two people will have similar understanding and perception, and hence disagreement is inevitable. However, in certain cases, where the disagreement or conflict leads to harming any stakeholder associated with the organization required steps need to be taken to both resolve the conflict and ensure that the best interest of all the stakeholders associated with the scenario are protected. This case study represents a situation where an administrative staff has a conflict or disagreement with a medical practitioner and as a result the best interest of the patients associated with the healthcare facility is getting hampered. On a more elaborative note, it can be mentioned that the doctor in this case study has been a senior physician, who had been associated with the facility for a long time and have been a respected and important part of the facility. However despite his experience and expertise, he has been neglecting his responsibility to the clinic and has been rescheduling and postponing his patient visits for the rest of the day. It has to be mentioned in this context that the case study represents the doctor had already cancelled clinic visits twice in a month and the third cancellation might affect the patients who have been waiting to be seen by him for more than 3 months. Despite being notified by the administrative staff Cindy, the doctor neglected his responsibility of visiting his patients and went off after rescheduling again. Here, the administrative staff is faced with a professional dilemma where have work ethics restricted her from abiding to the desires of the doctor and made her confront the managers about the situation. It needs to be addressed here that the physician had been neglecting his responsibilities towards the clinic and to his patients for a long time now and being a ethical professional, Cyndi had been in dilemma because the patients had to suffer for the lack of professional integrity of the said doctor. However as soon as confrontation with the manager about the lack of professional integrity of the doctor and his recent slacking behavior happened, the confrontation with the doctor had been delayed by involving many other stakeholders associated with the healthcare facility like the medical officer, executive director, human resources director, and union representative. Along with that it also has to be mentioned that despite informing the higher authority about the professional discre pancies of the doctor, the doctor was never mentioned about the confrontation and when the final meeting happened the doctor was caught off-guard and had not been prepared at all (Deutsch, Coleman Marcus, 2011). Hence, he was enraged and the healthy professional conduct between Dr Jones and Cyndi was destroyed by the lack of any conflict resolution tendencies in both of them. As a result the doctor had been labeled as a disruptive and irresponsible professional, which angered him and made him feel betrayed and unappreciated whereas, in case of Cindy, she had to eventually resign due to the fear in all the different department physicians of being targeted. This case represents a scenario where the lack of conflict resolution and middle management led to irreparable circumstances and as an end result both parties were affected (Ezziane et al., 2012). Nature and origin of the conflict: According to the Finkelman (2015), professional conflict can be defined as the friction originated from any real or perceived incompatibility among two or more workers that affects the operational performance and hampers the best interest of the all the stakeholders associated with the organizational scenario. From the analysis of the case study described above, it has to be mentioned in this context that the conflict is between the senior physician, Dr Jones and the administrative staff Cindy had many misunderstandings and negative perceptions regarding one another and due to the lack of communication and comfort between both of them, they were not able to resolve the issues that was rising in between them. It has to be mentioned that the first rule of conflict resolution is effective and participative communication, in this case Cindy could not communicate with Dr Johns regarding perception and understanding of the frequent cancellations and early leaving by the doctor. As a result , she could never explore the point of view of the doctor, and the misunderstanding grew into a conflict, endangering the professional competence of the both of them (Fisher, 2012). Hence, it can be mentioned that the interpersonal relationship conflict that both parties of the case study experience and pain due to behavioral misconduct misinterpretation, misunderstanding, lack of communicational comfort, and collaborative Cooperation. For the conflict that has been presented in the case study, intervention from the management team to resolve the conflict had been necessary (Marcus, Dorn McNulty, 2011). Although, the interventions planned and executed by the management has also had negative outcome and the conflict resolution approach taken by the management has also been useless. If I had been given the responsibility of conflict resolution in this case, I would have implemented a combination of different strategic conflict resolution steps and communication strategies in order to achieve a more fruitful effect which would have safe guarded the best interest of both parties involved. Conflict resolution First and foremost, it has to be mentioned that the conflict resolution interventions must begin with face to face communication. The management entasked with resolving the conflict must begin with arranging a face to face communication session for both Cindy and Dr Jones so that with the mediation of a managerial leader for smoothing the communication process. It has to be understood that the basis behind the step taken by Cindy had been a perception that the Doctor has been disrupting and slacking off on his professional responsibilities. However, in this case the doctor might also have had any personal health issues or any personal problem that has been overwhelming his working hours and his commitment to the profession. The face to face communication between them can help them both to present their perceptions and reasons and the organizational leader will get to know both sides of the story (Mayer, 2010). Along with that, it has to be mentioned that for this case study, along with cost that the both Cindy and Dr Jones had to pay for the communication misconduct had a detrimental impact on the rest of the staff as well. The labeling of Dr Jones affected his professional expertise and competence, the health care facility had to sustain a loss of an able and expert senior physician. And along with that, a loyal staff with high professional ethics and integrity had to resign which put forth a representation of fear regarding acting on professional ethics in the rest of the staff. It has to be mentioned that the staff must always be encouraged to follow professional ethics and loyalty, hence the resignation by Cindy has the risk of spreading a negative; professional culture in the organization (Pavlakis et al., 2011). As a manager, my conflict resolution strategy will also include one to one counseling and interaction session where both the parties involved will attend individually a couns eling session from wither me or a professional counselor. In case of Cindy, the counseling strategy will focus on motivating and congratulating her for the work ethics and fearless commitment that she had exhibited even with the risk of her being convicted for the act. Along with that she will be given the loyalty recognition for her courage and fearlessness so that she is motivated to continue with the health care facility (Ramsbotham, Miall Woodhouse, 2011). A very similar counseling approach will be taken for the doctor as well, however he will be encouraged to share his concerns with the management and according to the issues that he had been facing he would be given solutions to help him regain control of the workload that he is dealing with. Along with that he would be encouraged and motivated to recover from this minor setback and revert back to his former professional routine without any regret or shame. The third issue that the conflict of this case scenario had been the discrimination among the rest of staff and the labeling of both Cindy and Dr Jones is a contributing factor behind the isolation and betrayal they had been feeling. In order to cope with this issue, the labeling and discrimination will also need to death with. A public survey or poll will be held to discover all the employees, both physician and administrative, who take too much early leaves and cancel patient visits to understand the severity of the issue and how many staff are engaging in it. This will help in identifying all the employees who are in need for administrative attention to solve the issues and along with that the discrimination in labeling will stop as almost all employees will be held accountable for the number of leaves and cancellations they have been taking. Lastly, I would also like to mention that communication, or the lack thereof, is the main issue behind a wide variety of interpersonal conflicts that arise in healthcare scenarios (Saundry, McArdle Thomas, 2013). There is a need for a weekly communication session involving all the staff so that they can sort out any interpersonal communication issues and there are no communication caps leading to severe conflicts. As a part of the management committee with the responsibility of conflict resolution, I will also ensure to take a long term strategy to incorporate a communication session between the staff where they can interact with each other and build a professional rapport that will not only help them resolve any conflicts in between themselves in the near future but will also help them build cooperative and mutually respectful professional relationship (Robbins Judge, 2012). Conclusion: On a concluding note it can be mentioned that the conflict and interpersonal issues are very common in any organization, especially with communication. Hence it is acutely important for the managerial staff to have competencies and skills in understanding the conflict situation and acting upon it quickly to ensure minimal disruption to the work processes. Taking into consideration the case study, a rising conflict among the employees of a health care facility can have a detrimental impact on the patients and the care they are getting. Hence, there is need for a active communication between the staff at all times and the organizational management must also plan and execute sessions to encourage better interaction and professional relationship among the staff. References: Barbour, Virginia, Clark, Jocalyn, Jones, Susan, Norton, Melissa, Veitch, Emma. (2011). Health care systems and conflict: A fragile state of affairs.(Editorial).PLoS Medicine,8(7), E1001065. Brinkert, R. (2010). A literature review of conflict communication causes, costs, benefits and interventions in nursing.Journal of nursing management,18(2), 145-156. Brown, J., Lewis, L., Ellis, K., Stewart, M., Freeman, T., Kasperski, M. (2011). Conflict on interprofessional primary health care teams can it be resolved?Journal of Interprofessional Care,25(1), 4-10. 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Ramsbotham, O., Miall, H., Woodhouse, T. (2011).Contemporary conflict resolution. Polity. Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. (2012). Essentials of organizational behavior. Saundry, R., McArdle, L., Thomas, P. (2013). Reframing workplace relations? Conflict resolution and mediation in a primary care trust.Work, Employment Society,27(2), 213-231. Thistlethwaite, J. (2013). Communication learning needs of health professionals: Conflict resolution.Clinical Teacher,10(6), 418-419. Wallensteen, P. (2015).Understanding conflict resolution. Sage.
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